Okay, here's the deal: You surf and scan and post and view all day long. Suddenly, your eyes turn red and your hands get carpal tunnel from all that squinting and clicking! I offer you a place for you to kick back, relax, toss back a (virtual) cold one or two, and just chill. So kick off your shoes at my little rest stop along the Information Superhighway!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Lighter Side of a Daily Ritual

This week's video takes a humorous look at something men do every day: shaving. To most guys, it's a necessary evil, having to scrap their necks with a small, multi-bladed knife every morning. I am somewhat blessed, because I don't need to shave every day, but I still don't look forward to it. This guy seems to have a novel approach to it; just watch the video and you'll see!

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