Okay, here's the deal: You surf and scan and post and view all day long. Suddenly, your eyes turn red and your hands get carpal tunnel from all that squinting and clicking! I offer you a place for you to kick back, relax, toss back a (virtual) cold one or two, and just chill. So kick off your shoes at my little rest stop along the Information Superhighway!
Monday, July 30, 2007
One Last "Colortini"...
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Another 2-Part Video Treat!
I didn't get a chance to go inside the Patton Museum out there in the desert, but Patton is one of my heroes, and the movie Patton is my favorite film, bar none, mainly for its brilliant performance by the great George C. Scott.
Now, far be it for me to get political in this venue, but I heard a portion of this on the radio the other day. Basically, it's a re-imagination of the famous opening sequence of Patton, only the twist is that it's done as if he was alive today. The editing is a little shaky, but the vocal talent, performed by a gentleman named Mike Kaminski, is dead-on!
Next week, I promise you far less controversial clip. Trust me. :)
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Road Trip!

Saturday, July 21, 2007
The Lighter Side of a Daily Ritual
Friday, July 20, 2007
Sleeping Like a Baby!
As (I believe) I have posted before, I am planning a move next month to Riverside, and dammit, I want a real bed! Well, I finally did it. Last week, my mother found a mattress retailer going out of business, so I went. If you live in SoCal, I would recommend this place. The owner is retiring and he's still got some quality stuff in stock.
I know I'm going to sound like a commercial, but I got a queen-sized double-pillowtop mattress, with foundation and frame, for $446! And it was worth every penny, because it is one comfortable bed! So, if you live in SoCal, and you need a bed, check 'em out. They don't have a website, but here are the address/phone info and a map. If you go, tell 'em I sent you, then post your experience here.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Luck Be a Lady (But I Didn't See Her)
Still, I had a good time, and I ran into a guy I used to work with at All Counties Courier. His name is Adam, and he told that since he lives in Corona, and I'm going to move to Riverside, I should come over to his place some Saturday night for a home tourney he hosts. So, we exchanged numbers and, who knows? I just might check it out one weekend.
Tomorrow, my mother and Tom are taking me to my favorite restaurant for my birthday: El Cholo. I'd better bring my appetite!
The Most Shocking Video Ever!
In a nutshell, this is a 500kV substation in Nevada that had an obviously malfunctioning piece of equipment. The work crew shot this to demonstrate to their superiors exactly what was wrong with it. For the full details, I suggest you click the link above, then clicking "more" in the box to the wright of the clip. It's long and little dry, but it's also informative.
On another note, today is my birthday, and I am going to spend it the way any man should: I'm off to Pechanga Casino to play poker! I'll come back later to tell how I did. C'ya!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Come On In! The Water's Fine!

Let me close in now on what I've been working on this week. In this picture, you can see a closeup of a portion of the Construction Services Unit, north of the dyke. I have highlighted my shop, the hydroelectric plant, and the forebay. Now, here's how it works:
Water enters the lake from the Colorado River Aqueduct. From there, it drains into a feeder tower at the western end of the lake and runs through a hydroelectric generator, which provides power for us and for sale to Southern California Edison. As it leaves the hydro plant, it enters the forebay. On the north side of the forebay is another tower, under which are two pipelines known as "feeders". The North Feeder directs water to our La Verne facility, and the South Feeder goes to our Diemer (Yorba Linda) facility.
Okay, enough education.
All this week (and next week), I am assisting a team from Mills Plant (elsewhere in Riverside) in their five-year maintenance of the Hydro plant here at the lake. Really glamorous stuff, like hitting the ceramic insulators with Windex, and polishing the silver-plated contacts on fuses. Hey, there is a good reason for this. Without this maintenance, there is a risk of arcing due to dirt deposits, or of reduction of power because the contacts were too tarnished.

The other day, the water level dropped enough to give an impressive display of just how much water pressure there is here. I should point out that as impressive as this looks, it's only about half as much as it usually is!
Oh, and yes, there are signs posted that read "DANGER! No swimming! Turbulent water!"
There are two reasons why you don't want to swim in this pool. The first, let's just say these pictures tell that half of the story. The other reason is those feeder lines I mentioned earlier. They take in water at about the same rate that the hydro lines give it, and they have grates within them that would turn you into hamburger if you got sucked into them. Graphic, yes. But for good reason!
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Holy Nakatomi, Batman!
I went to see Live Free or Die Hard on Wednesday. It wasn't the best in the series, but it held its own pretty well. Anyhow, I still seem to have Die Hard on the brain, as this week's video is an updated spoof of a key scene in the first Die Hard movie. Enjoy!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
It's the Heat -- Really!

They were gone about two hours, and in that time, one of the candles on the table, um... melted?... a little.
Now, the appearance of the candle, and the fact that it's blue, and how its companion remained unscathed by the heat, all ring of endless phallic jokes. To me, it kind of resembles a "before-and-after" Viagra picture. The rest, I leave to your collective imagination! Feel free to post your joke here!
On a side note, it is Independence Day today. So, please be careful out there. This is a day of celebration, not for death, destruction and mayhem. Thank you.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
To SATA or Not to SATA, That Is the Question
I'll be honest here: I had two major problems when switching out my hard drive. First, I had to track down all the software I had installed. You're probably thinking "Why didn't you just migrate it?" Simple. My old drive was congested, full of bugs, and programs kept crashing on it. All the maintenance I could do eventually became worthless, necessitating this project. If I simply migrated from one disk to another, I'd have the same old problems on a new disk.
Speaking of the new disk, that was where I had my second problem. It seems the hard drive I bought was a SATA II drive. Now, in case you're not computer-savvy, there are three types of hard drives:
- IDE (also called PATA, Ultra ATA, and ATA) - This is the standard which has been around since the 1980s. The connection looks like a wide grey ribbon, with a red stripe on one side.
- SATA (also called SATA I)- Introduced a few years ago, SATA drives run faster and read data at a slightly higher rata than IDE. The connection is a relatively thin red cord.
- SATA II - This looks, acts and smells like a SATA, only it's supposed to read twice as fast.
Anyway, long story short, no matter what I tried, my PC would not install this SATA II drive as the new boot disk. Apparently, the copy of Windows XP I have doesn't like SATA II (which is strange, because XP is supposed to be adaptable to newly-installed stuff). So, I took my PC over to Tom (He and my mother have been an item for... a while, and he's more tech-savvy than I am), and he had the same problem!
So, we re-packaged the SATA II (which I will return), and Tom gave me a 200GB SATA I, which works fine! By the way, the SATA II drive was only 160GB. Thanks, Tom! You are a god!