Okay, here's the deal: You surf and scan and post and view all day long. Suddenly, your eyes turn red and your hands get carpal tunnel from all that squinting and clicking! I offer you a place for you to kick back, relax, toss back a (virtual) cold one or two, and just chill. So kick off your shoes at my little rest stop along the Information Superhighway!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Some Technical Issues...

Well, my PC has been acting up lately. As a result, I think it's time I overhaul it.

Nothing too elaborate. I will either erase my hard drive and then reload it, or just replace it altogether. I still haven't decided.

I have already backed up my personal files. Now, I just need to inventory my software so I know where it came from. This will take a few days, so you won't hear much from me for a bit (I will still post a new Video of the Week on Saturday).

So, bear with me; I'll be back.

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