Okay, here's the deal: You surf and scan and post and view all day long. Suddenly, your eyes turn red and your hands get carpal tunnel from all that squinting and clicking! I offer you a place for you to kick back, relax, toss back a (virtual) cold one or two, and just chill. So kick off your shoes at my little rest stop along the Information Superhighway!

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Hello, and welcome to Rob's Rest Stop. Here, you will find musings, rants, and just some plain all-around fun. But most of all, I will scour YouTube for you, and come up with some of the best videos I can find there. We start with the first of two tributes to the Star Wars saga, which celebrated its 30th anniversary this month (Jeez, has it already been that long?!). Here, we have a scene from The Empire Strikes Back, in which an officer submits a report to Darth Vader at his meditation chamber, only this time the scene has been, um, slightly re-edited. If you have trouble accessing the video, you can click here instead. Enjoy!